Celebrate Invention 2013
October 23, 2013
Photography by Leisa Thompson
Celebrate Invention is held each year to honor University of Michigan faculty and investigators who participated with U-M Innovation Partnerships by being part of a reported invention, an issued patent or an agreement with industry or a new startup. This year over 900 UM inventors were honored and attendees included business, venture, university and community leaders.
U-M researchers presenting their work at Celebrate Invention this year included:
- Shuichi Takayama and Arlyne Simon ( Biomedical Engineering and Macromolecular Sciences)
- Chris Mi (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Dearborn)
- Mukesh K. Nyati (Radiation Oncology)
- Robert Kennedy (Chemistry)
- James Ashton-Miller and Daniel Johnson Claire Cabrera, Sashi Guduri, Margaret Gyetko, Deb Komorowski, Kim Leahy, Yue Liu, Bruce Meier,
- Mark Stingier (Med School Faculty Affairs)
- James Cutler (Aerospace)
Honored during the Celebrate Invention festivities was Vice President for Research Steve Forrest who was presented with the university’s inaugural Innovation Partnerships Trailblazer Award to acknowledge his leadership in innovation and entrepreneurship activities.
If you were not able to join us this year, we look forward to seeing you next year, at the 14th annual Celebrate Invention reception.