Twice-a-day Cerdelga is slightly better than once-a-day regimen for Gaucher, trial shows
2/28/2018Two Cerdelga (eliglustat) pills a day are slightly better than one pill a day of the same strength at helping Gaucher type 1 patients maintain a stable disease, a Phase 3 clinical trial shows. The therapy’s maker, Genzyme, conducted the trial, which involved only patients whose disease had become stable...
Synovis Surgical, a division of Baxter, licenses Arterial Everter transplant surgery technology from U-M
2/28/2018A Better Way to Connect Arteries: How Coulter’s Newest Licensed Product Is Making Its Way from the Classroom to the Clinic When reconstructive surgeons repair a breast after mastectomy or a severely injured leg after a car accident, they often move tissue harvested from one part of the body to...
BMW and Toyota are investing in a start-up that makes self-driving shuttles
2/27/2018Given technical and regulatory challenges, it may take a decade before fully self-driving cars can be used on U.S. highways. But May Mobility, a start-up based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has already put its self-driving shuttles to work in downtown Detroit. Founded in 2017 by auto engineers Edwin Olson, Alisyn...
Bringing Self-Driving Shuttles to the Streets: Welcome Aboard, May Mobility
2/27/2018When asked by reporters and other industry watchers to predict when self-driving vehicles will appear on our public roadways, my answer is generally that it will be sooner than we think, but not everywhere we’d like. Fully-autonomous Level 5 driving is still years away, where a vehicle is able to...
May Mobility raises $11.5M in seed funding to accelerate deployment of self-driving shuttle fleets
2/26/2018May Mobility, the first autonomous vehicle company to replace existing transportation systems with its fleets of self-driving micro-shuttles, today announced that BMW i Ventures and Toyota AI Ventures have joined its investor-base, co-leading its seed round. This funding will allow May Mobility to launch new deployments across the country. Other...
Agreement with Sema Lab poised to bring U-M Dearborn code maintenance technology to market
2/6/2018With the goal of innovative software development, Computer and Information Science Assistant Professor Marouane Kessentini founded UM-Dearborn’s Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE) research lab five years ago. And now Kessentini—after building a solid foundation through recruiting talented graduate students and maturing product development—is seeing the impact the SBSE lab is making...
Internet-scanning U-M startup offers new approach to cybersecurity
1/26/2018Rolling out what it’s calling a “street view for cyberspace,” Censys—a tech startup based on technology developed at the University of Michigan—has launched a commercially available version of its internet-wide scanning tool. Based on technology developed in the lab of U-M computer science and engineering professor J. Alex Halderman, Censys...
In First Test, Specially Timed Signals Ease Tinnitus Symptoms
1/23/2018A new treatment device is taking aim at the root cause of ringing in the ears. Next up: an additional clinical trial to further refine the approach…. Millions of Americans hear ringing in their ears — a condition called tinnitus — but a new study shows an experimental device could...
Science Friday: A Temporary Relief For Tinnitus Sufferers
1/23/2018For more than 50 million Americans, there’s no such thing as peace and quiet, because every moment of silence is accompanied by a persistent ringing in the ears. Tinnitus, which has no cure, is a problem that affects people of all ages. But now there’s a treatment for the neurological...
U-M startup May Mobility blazes toward autonomous fleet market
1/23/2018While the Big Three automakers are still in the research and development phase, University of Michigan startup May Mobility already has tested its bright green-and-white driverless shuttles on public streets in downtown Detroit, and has ambitious plans for growth. The company recently licensed five autonomous driving-related technologies from U-M that...
Kevlar-based artificial cartilage mimics the magic of the real thing
1/23/2018The unparalleled liquid strength of cartilage, which is about 80 percent water, withstands some of the toughest forces on our bodies. Synthetic materials couldn’t match it—until “Kevlartilage” was developed by researchers at the University of Michigan and Jiangnan University. “We know that we consist mostly of water—all life does—and yet...
Diamond Kinetics to launch Pitchtracker throwing motion sensor in 2018
1/11/2018The CEO of Diamond Kinetics, a leading bat-sensor company, said his company will release its first product that tracks the throwing motion in early 2018. While appearing on the SportTechie podcast this week, Diamond Kinetics’ co-founder and top executive, CJ Handron, told Bram Weinstein that its next offering would focus...