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University of Michigan Innovation Partnerships
University of Michigan Innovation Partnerships


MTRAC: U-M Program Takes Transportation Innovations from Lab to Marketplace

University of Michigan researchers and faculty developing innovations that address transportation and mobility challenges have a path from the lab to the marketplace thanks to the Michigan Translational Research and Commercialization (MTRAC) Transportation program, which received $1 million to advance university startups in 2015, the program’s second year…

U-M startup Kura Oncology goes public, raises $50 million

La Jolla, California-based Kura Oncology Inc, a biopharmaceutical company focused on treating solid tumors and blood cancers, has raised $50 million for its IPO after pricing its 6.25 million shares at $8 per share. The stock began trading Thursday on the NASDAQ under the ticker symbol “KURA.” Citigroup and Leerink...

U-M startups Genomenon and FlexDex place at Accelerate Michigan 2015

After two days of presentations at the Westin Book Cadillac Hotel in downtown Detroit, the winners of the 6th annual Accelerate Michigan Innovation Competition have been announced. At stake was more than $1 million in cash prizes plus awards of services, staffing and software…

U-M startup Rubicon Genomics finds its niche in analysis kits

Emerging tech companies call them pivots, a polite way of describing what is usually a drastic change in operations to figure out how to generate enough revenue to keep the lights on. When James Koziarz, a longtime executive at Abbott Laboratories, came out of retirement to take over as CEO...

Phasiq: U-M spinoff company started with grants gets first outside investment

Ann Arbor-based Phasiq Inc., a University of Michigan spinoff that has been funded to date with large federal grants, has received its first institutional funding, an investment of $36,000 from the school’s student-run Zell Lurie Commercialization Fund…

Genomenon Breaks Through Bioinformatics Bottleneck

Genomenon Inc., a University of Michigan spinoff that is being incubated in the office of technology transfer’s Venture Accelerator on the north campus, has closed on a seed round of $1 million…

ONL Therapeutics: Addressing Retinal Eye Disease

As a clinician and an associate professor of ophthalmology in the Kellogg Eye Center, Dr. David Zacks specializes in disorders of the retina. The problem that fascinates and perplexes him most is this: Even after receiving treatment for retinal disease, patients continue to lose vision. So what are the molecular...

U-M Wireless Integrated Circuits and Systems Group: Making the Internet-of-Things Possible

Experts agree that the next evolutionary phase in computing technology will be the Internet of Things (IoT): tiny, self-powered, edge-of-the-cloud devices that connect people and systems. It is predicted that within 10 years as many as 1 trillion IoT connected devices will be in use—comprising a $14 trillion market. Ultimately,...

Dyson acquires U-M battery startup Sakti3

October 19, 2015… Dyson acquired University of Michigan startup Sakti3, a leader in solid state battery technology, in a deal valued at $90 million. This acquisition follows an initial investment of $15 million earlier this year. “Dyson, just like Sakti3, is driven by a desire for audacious leaps in technology,”...

Celebrate Invention 2015

Over 400 University of Michigan researchers, members of Ann Arbor’s entrepreneurial community, and area leaders gathered at the Michigan League the evening of Thursday, October 8, 2015 to celebrate the accomplishments of U-M innovators, who reported 422 new inventions, and assisted with 164 agreements and 19 new start-up ventures in...

Detroit Free Press: Universities aim to move ideas out of the ivory tower

U-M startup FlexDex illustrates the impact and potential of technology transfer in Michigan.

Reuters Names U-M Among World’s Top Five Most Innovative Universities

In the fall of 2015, Reuters named the University of Michigan the world’s 5th most innovative university, just after Stanford, MIT, Harvard and the University of Washington. This ranking, according to Reuters, was determined by looking at 10 different metrics, including “academic papers, which indicate basic research performed at a...
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