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University of Michigan Innovation Partnerships
University of Michigan Innovation Partnerships


Pro Therapeutics

Tissue engineered constructs for rotator cuff repair.


A multi-mechanism thrombectomy system.

TenSixteen Bio

TenSixteen Bio is discovering treatments for age-related conditions through testing for mutations known as clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential.

Tuebor Energy

Advanced separators for next generation batteries.

Voicebox 3D

Makers of a anatomically correct model for doctors, educators, and musicians who want to see the action of the human breath.

Watson Carbon

Manufacturer and sellor of Engineered Cementious Composites for more durable concrete.

APT Solar Solutions

Our novel three-dimensional (3D) solar lights collect and convert light from all angles allowing them to provide at least 10-30 times more electricity than standard solar lights, providing a clean and cost effective alternative to competing wired outdoor lighting fixtures.

Blockchain Triangle Systems Ltd.

Digital finance platform for funding and managing climate and infrastructure assets.

ChromX Health

Intelligent breath analysis platform to achieve accurate rapid diagnosis, early screening, disease monitoring and tracking, and chronic disease health management.

EIQ, Inc.

EIQ develops secure and scalable data analytic technologies for patients, providers, and healthcare companies.


Gene-editing platform technology focused on correcting mutations to cure common and rare genetic diseases


Online tool (Virtual Hospital) consisting of synthetic patient generation, data de-identification, and data augmentation.


Pioneering computational methods for direct cellular reprogramming, accelerating delivery of the next generation in personalized medicine.


Improving the agricultural economy in underdeveloped regions through a proprietary system that co-generates electricity and biochar to upgrade land productivity.


Device for the assessment of cognitive function, providing athletic and military personnel with the fastest and easiest TBI assessment on the market.

NOTA Laboratories

NOTA is focused on developing novel NO delivery systems and applications that mimic our own body's NO uses for treating and preventing a wide variety of life-threatening illnesses and conditions.


NX Fuels

Sustainable fuel production solutions with a focus on the creation of green fuels using CO2, water, and renewable solar energy.


Creation of Bragg gratings and other laser light filters for applications in optoelectronics, analytics and defense industries.
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