Research Activity and Compliance
Because of the complex nature of the university’s work in a wide range of areas, there are many compliance requirements that intersect with individual activities and roles in different ways.
Research Catalyst and Innovation Program
The Research Catalyst and Innovation (RCI) Program includes four new funding mechanisms totaling more than $1.5 million in annual support.
The program infuses funding and fosters increased collaboration to catalyze research and spur innovation across the three University of Michigan campuses.
Student Ownership Policy
Under the Office of Technology Transfer’s policy, students will own all IP they create unless the student creates the IP in his or her capacity as an employee. In other words, if a student creates IP, and the IP does not derive from the student’s employment for the University, the student will own the IP.
Technology Transfer Policy
This Policy implements Section 3.10 of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents. The Policy further defines the ownership, distribution, and commercialization of rights associated with Intellectual Property developed at or received by the University of Michigan, and describes the general obligations associated with the technology licensing process.
U.S. Bayh-Dole Act
The U.S. Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 allows universities and other non-profit institutions to have ownership rights to discoveries resulting from federally-funded research, provided certain obligations are met.