Bryce Pilz Receives 2022 OVPR Exceptional Service Award
Bryce Pilz, executive director of licensing and strategic alliances, has been named the recipient of the 2022 OVPR Exceptional Service Award from the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR). This award is among the 10 research staff recognition awards presented annually to staff members in recognition of their research and scholarship effort at the University of Michigan.
Since 2001, the research staff recognition awards have been presented annually by OVPR to nominees across a variety of award categories, many of which were revised this year in order to reflect a broader understanding of the impactful research being done within the university. This year’s award categories included recognition of research data work, facilities management to research and leadership. The 2022 award recipients were recognized during a ceremony on May 17th in the Alexander G. Ruthven Building’s University Hall.
In discussing this year’s research staff recognition awards and their place within the U-M community, Rebecca Cunningham, vice president for research and the William G. Barsan Collegiate Professor of Emergency Medicine, stated, “We are formally recognizing 10 individuals who serve the research enterprise in staff roles for their incredible contributions, but it really takes an entire community of talented individuals to keep the nation’s largest public research university running smoothly.”
Pilz has been a valued member of the U-M community for some time, having worked as faculty at U-M Law School where he co-founded the Entrepreneurship Clinic and taught courses related to IP Strategy and Venture Capital prior to joining Innovation Partnerships. Around Innovation Partnerships, Pilz works with U-M faculty and entrepreneurial program partners to commercialize innovations and support technology venture creation.

2022 Research Staff Award Recipients (From left to right: Brittany Ross, Maryclaire Ellis, Grace Wu, Kaitlin Brinson, Bryce Pilz, Sheryl Flanagan, Chris Fry, Sue Kelch, Patrick Bowman and Jorge Barreda)