Mayaterials, Inc.
Multifunctional organic/inorganic nanocomposites for coatings and thin film technologies(2005)
Xoran Technologies, Inc.
Small, point-of-care Computed Tomography scanners for medical-imaging(2005)
Ascenta Therapeutics, Inc.
Small-molecule oncology therapeutics focusing on compounds that induce apoptosis (cell death) in tumor cells (Formerly AccuTherapeutics, Inc)(2004)
Avidimer Therapeutics, Inc.
Cancer detection and treatment therapeutics (Formerly NanoCure Corp.)(2004)
Chemical and biological approaches to regeneration and remineralization of dental, oral & craniofacial tissues(2004)
Mobius Microsystems, Inc.
Semiconductor technology focused on mixed-signal integration(2004)
Neural Intervention Technologies, Inc.
Intravascular treatment for brain vessel defects(2004)
Specializing in products and services for RF, microwave and millimeter-wave measurements and diagnostics(2004)
Molecular medicine for the detection and treatment of cancer (Formerly MetaProbe & Alerion Biomedical)(2003)
Atheron Corporation (Spinoff from IntraMedical Imaging LLC)
Imaging devices for diagnosis of vascular plaques(2003)