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University of Michigan Innovation Partnerships
University of Michigan Innovation Partnerships



Concrete additive for strength and durability

MedHub, Inc.

Tracking and scheduling program for medical residents

Soar Technology

Intelligent systems for defense, government, and commercial applications that emulate human decision making

Eprogen, Inc.

Proteomics utilizing liquid-based protein separations

Quantum Signal

State-of-the-art intelligence sensing and data analysis techniques

Velcura Therapeutics, Inc.

Developing novel therapies for osteoporosis and other bone diseases

Arbor Networks, Inc.

Internet denial of service protection tools

BlueWillow Biologics

Non-toxic solvent-detergent lipid suspensions with antimicrobial properties [formerly NanoBio Corporation]

Discera, Inc.

MEMS-based transceivers and related devices for frequency and timing control solutions

GoKnow, Inc.

Educational technologies improving K-12 education

KeraCure, Inc.

Interactive cell-based dressing for the treatment of chronic wounds

Molecular Imaging Research Preclinical Services

Imaging intracellular events (Formerly Molecular Therapeutics)

OncoMed Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Biological therapeutics targeting cancer stem cells

Originus, Inc.

Discovering molecular origins of complex disorders using integrated array techniques

Sensicore, Inc.

Advancing water testing technology

Translume, Inc.

Advanced glass micromachining providing new ways to advance sensing, microfluidic and optical communication capabilities

Xeotron Corp

Microarray nucleic acid processing chip

HandyLab, Inc.

Developing novel clinical diagnostic testing products to improve infectious disease testing
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